aNm Custom Packages

PowerPoint-to-Animation Conversion
Animate up to 20 slides
Custom transitions, animations, and timings
Choose 1 of 3 types of music background audio
High-quality MP4 file - easy deployment to HTML5
360° YouTube Video
1 video ready for YouTube 360 upload
Up to 60 seconds in length
Background music included
1 Custom signage (inside video)
1 animated slide show (inside video)
HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App
Up to 5 pages total
Responsive Design
Built on Bootstrap framework
Customized Colors/Theme
PhoneGap Build ready
VR 'Starter' Demo
1 virtual reality environment, Created with Unity3D & Google VR SDK
Choose from 3 'triggered' interactions
Branded with your logo or image
Photorealistic environment - interior or exterior
Perfect to showcase your product or service in VR